Tracey Allport

As an award winning multi-trained therapist and coach, Tracey is on a mission to help women bust the distress of Menopause, helping them to reflect, rebalance, relax and restore, so that they feel energised, rejuvenated and able to smile again. Tracey has a personal lived experience of perimenopausal distress.

Having found that modern medicine was not proving helpful, she went on a search, to find ways to empower her own health and wellness naturally; trained in various therapies that worked and curated all of her knowledge, so that you don’t have to waste time or energy aimlessly searching for answers! 

Over 31 years’ experience as an Occupational Therapist has been married together with Coaching skills, Complementary Therapies and Remedial Hypnosis, to work with you, or your team, using a whole person approach to health, wellness, empowerment and productivity. 

Tracey has extensive experience working in various sectors, including the NHS, Social Services, private practice, charities and running her own business. Specialist areas of work have included, chronic health conditions, mental health, acquired brain injuries and neurological conditions, as well as supervising staff, managing teams and teaching. She now specialises in all that Menopause entails, to help women increase their knowledge and understanding, so they can improve their everyday and working lives, to feel fulfilled and in control.

Tracey is passionate about working with like-minded women who are proactive about moving away from a life of distress, overwhelm and hormone imbalance. Not only has she worked extensively with hundreds of women, she has also utilised the strategies she teaches, throughout her own hormonal health and wellness journey, so that the mind and body work in harmony together.  

When Tracey isn’t working, she loves to eat out, read, walk along her local beach and chase her naughty Irish Terrier Finley, when he is up to mischief! She also supports a local mental health charity, as member of their Strategic Committee, as well as being the supervision lead for their staff.